What Do Computer Programmers Know That You Don’t?
At first glance, computer programmers seem like digital wizards, conjuring software from mere lines of code. But what exactly do they know that you don’t? Well, quite a bit. Let’s break it down.
1. How to Speak to Machines
Programmers know how to communicate with computers using programming languages like Python, Java, and C++. While you might struggle to get Siri to set an alarm properly, they can make a computer follow complex instructions with precision—except when it doesn’t, which leads to hours of debugging-induced frustration.
2. The Art of Debugging (A.K.A. Staring at a Screen for Hours)
Programmers have a superpower called "debugging"—which mostly involves searching for a missing semicolon for five hours. Unlike you, they have learned that 90% of coding is fixing problems that shouldn’t exist in the first place.
3. Why Computers Are Smarter and Dumber Than You Think
Programmers understand that computers don’t “think” like humans. They are incredibly fast at calculations but will happily crash over a tiny syntax error. While you expect your phone to "just work," programmers know that software is always one step away from breaking spectacularly.
4. How to Automate the Boring Stuff
Programmers don’t just suffer through repetitive tasks—they write scripts to do them automatically. Instead of manually renaming 1,000 files, they’ll write a small program that does it in seconds. You, on the other hand, might still be clicking "Rename" one by one.
5. The Pain of Stack Overflow Dependence
Most programmers rely heavily on Stack Overflow, a site where developers ask and answer coding questions. While you might Google "how to fix my Wi-Fi," programmers Google "why is my code broken?"—and then copy-paste solutions they barely understand (but hey, it works).
6. Why “Simple” Apps Are Complicated
Ever complained about a small app glitch? Programmers know that even the simplest-looking applications are built from thousands (or millions) of lines of code. That button that doesn’t work? Fixing it might require touching ten different parts of the codebase.
7. How to Survive on Coffee and Energy Drinks
Lastly, programmers have mastered the ancient ritual of caffeine consumption. While you enjoy your coffee, they depend on it to keep their code flowing and their sanity intact.
Final Glitch
Computer programmers know how to build and fix the digital world around us, often with a mix of frustration, late nights, and sheer determination. But don’t worry—you have knowledge they don’t, like how to touch grass once in a while.