Fine Time

What is with the haste? Is it because of everyone’s pace?

To live a life full of chase,

Who can we blame in the womb we started this race?

To the loud voices in your head,

It won’t put an end if you rush just to pretend to be on trend.

It is not your job to make them comprehend.

If the purpose is for the applause, Just to cover up your flaws,

Please pause,

As you should have a better intention and bigger purpose.

In a game, we would aim to be first.

We grew up thinking anything other than number one is worst.

So instead of understanding our intentions, we thirst,

Because with everyone’s voices in our head, we would burst.

So now,

To be first is not what I wish to aim, Just so I can say “same!” And proclaim and have a better sound to my name.

Now I am breaking the rhymes in this poem, As I am with what is worldly.

Some are designed to be number one, to do good, to walk in peace or in haste. That does not make them less ordinary.

But darling, like fine wine, It takes time to be the best.


I wish to take my fine time.

Mary looked at the clock on her kitchen wall, the second hand ticking away her anxiety. It was almost 7 PM, and her friends would be arriving soon for their monthly wine and game night. She glanced around her cozy apartment, making sure everything was perfect. The wine glasses were polished and arranged neatly on the coffee table next to an array of cheeses and crackers. The game of the night, "Trivial Pursuit," sat ready on the coffee table.

Despite the preparations, Mary couldn’t shake the feeling of haste that had followed her all day. She moved from task to task with a frenetic energy, trying to mask the unease gnawing at her. What was the rush? Why did she feel the need to keep up with everyone else’s pace?

As the doorbell rang, Mary took a deep breath and forced a smile onto her face. Her friends, Lisa, John, and Kate, greeted her with cheerful voices and warm hugs. They settled into the living room, laughing and chatting as they poured the first glasses of wine. The night began to unfold as usual, with jokes and stories filling the room. Yet, Mary couldn’t shake the loud voices in her head that urged her to keep up appearances, to pretend that everything was fine.

Midway through the game, as the wine flowed and the laughter grew louder, Lisa turned to Mary with a serious expression. “Mary, you’ve seemed off all night. Is everything okay?”

Mary hesitated, her instinct to pretend fighting against her need for honesty. Finally, she sighed and put down her wine glass. “Honestly, I’ve just been feeling overwhelmed. I feel like I’m always rushing, always trying to keep up with everyone else. I’m exhausted, and I don’t know how to make it stop.”

Her friends exchanged concerned glances. John spoke up first. “Mary, you don’t have to keep up with anyone else. It’s okay to go at your own pace. Life isn’t a race.”

Kate nodded. “We all have our own journeys. Sometimes it feels like we need to rush to fit in or to achieve something, but it’s not worth losing yourself in the process.”

Mary felt a weight lifting off her shoulders as she listened to her friends’ words. “I guess I’ve been so focused on trying to meet everyone’s expectations, I forgot to think about what I really want.”

Lisa reached out and squeezed Mary’s hand. “You should focus on what makes you happy. Don’t worry about what everyone else thinks. We’re here for you, no matter what.”

The rest of the evening felt lighter, as if a cloud had been lifted. Mary allowed herself to relax and enjoy the moment, savoring the wine and the company of her friends. The game continued, but the pressure to win seemed trivial compared to the support she felt from those around her.

As the night came to an end, Mary felt a renewed sense of purpose. She realized that she didn’t need to rush through life to meet others’ expectations. Like fine wine, it takes time to become the best version of oneself. Mary decided to take her time, to savor each moment, and to prioritize her own happiness.

And so, with a smile on her face and a heart full of gratitude, Mary bid her friends goodnight, knowing that she was on the path to finding her true self.

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