Star Ratings on planksip
Hello, fellow planksipians, subject to some minor changes and ongoing updates the following graph (see below) represents the number of star ratings associated with posts in the Figures of Speech section.
Hello, fellow planksipians, subject to some minor changes and ongoing updates the following graph (see below) represents the number of star ratings associated with posts in the Figures of Speech section.
There is only one way to experience the present, uninterrupted mindfulness coupled with the consistent outcome of homeostasis. We Gestalt the present! This is one path, but not the only path, expand on the Existential!
Open and anti-fragile is today's translation, an open invitation to drive you towards tomorrow. Prosperity is, in part, having the capacity to appreciate the ride. In möbius and filled with the maxims of several millennia, make the most of your time on earth with what inspires you.