Star Ratings on planksip
Hello, fellow planksipians, subject to some minor changes and ongoing updates the following graph (see below) represents the number of star ratings associated with posts in the Figures of Speech section.
Hello, fellow planksipians, subject to some minor changes and ongoing updates the following graph (see below) represents the number of star ratings associated with posts in the Figures of Speech section.
What do Nietzsche, Gauss, and Hegel have in common? They weren't born rich; they were Fried-rich. OK, that's a bad joke. Bad jokes are in the Oikos of planksip — a signature "move" you may call a blunder, but blunders have a way of sticking around. Ask Einstein.
Cherishing the wonders around us, should, in theory, prevent us from gratuitous destruction. Returning to Plato's good in itself is the essence of the matter. For me, is the watch-word that allows one to realize all the other forms.