Especially taken out of context

Especially taken out of context
Be careful – with quotations, you can damn anything.
—André Malraux (1901-1976)

Brick by Brick with Rubrics to Measure Our Progress - Another Möbius by planksip
Especially taken out of context
Inspired by André Malraux's (1901-1976) quote, "Be careful -- with quotations, you can damn anything." The titled responsion is...

What do Andre Malraux and Frederick the Great have in common? Find out on planksip.
When it comes to making money with free web hosting, you need to be careful -- not just with quotations, but also with your website. You see, the quotation on the website could actually darn anything you are doing to be a scam. This is a fact -- no website is free. Even the smallest hosting account is no exception to the rule.
The only way you can make money with free web hosting is if you're getting something for nothing. Let's say, for instance, you're selling a product. You're in this business for a living, right? And in order to get paid, you have to find a way to get your name out there. What better way to do it than with free web hosting? You can post your website on the internet for free -- and if people like what they see, they can click on your link to visit your site. You might even be able to get a few freebie products off of the website.
If you're a business owner, this method of free web hosting could very well be the way to go. In the end, you want to make as much money as possible without paying a dime to do it. And if you're getting something for nothing, then you have a lot of options. You might be surprised at the possibilities.
For sure you would take this out of context because the rhetoric in the above three paragraphs is mindless and circular. Nothing in life is free, time is our most expensive commodity.
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