And a Masterpiece is Painted Poetry
Beyond the attempted word weld, the attempt is better "illustrated" in Will Freeman (2020), where the intellectually poetic collectively create what we refer to as the Humanities. Expand away!
Plutarch was a Greek biographer and essayist, known primarily for his Parallel Lives and Moralia. Plutarch's surviving works were written in Greek, but intended for both Greek and Roman readers.
Beyond the attempted word weld, the attempt is better "illustrated" in Will Freeman (2020), where the intellectually poetic collectively create what we refer to as the Humanities. Expand away!
Cheekiness aside, the reason for reason is self-evident and fractal in nature. Where thoughts converge, Reason is present. Gifts of repeatability and the awareness to know better (from worse). If no one is around to tell the story, reason falls silent. So let your words burn, not your planet.