A Windy Afternoon with Wife Art

A Windy Afternoon with Wife Art

Don't Blow Me A Kiss Before I See My Wife Art - A planksip Guttural Pun

Don't Blow Me A Kiss Before I See My Wife Art

Sometimes you just have to be silly with the way the body functions. The cliché of "letting go" is more or less autonomic and will sometimes make your eyes water. Have some fun with this one!

The most powerful quote for self-discovery and self-improvement is written by Napoleon Hill - "If you resist to the end, you will be amazed at the changes you experience." "I have learned that there are three steps to self-growth; one is to know where you are today. The second is to change your attitude toward your life by changing your thought patterns. The third is to change your behavior by modifying your lifestyle."

Think about these statements for a moment. How can you ride a storm? Can you ride it until the wheels come off? No! You can ride it until the wheels come off.

If you surrender to the wind, you can ride it.
— Toni Morrison (1931-2019)

This is a very powerful statement, but what does it really mean? Let me explain. When you surrender to the storm, it's like you give up control and surrender to your own strength and potential. That is the ultimate power that comes from self-development. When you do this, you create a much higher vibration than when you are resisting. So when you decide to be what you are, your vibration increases, your courage expands and you have much more happiness in your life.

Think about this. Have you ever been involved in a serious car accident, or a serious fight, or even a minor traffic violation? In all of those situations, the person who was driving the car and had the best attitude and who was ready to take a challenge - or had the power to take a challenge - won every time.

He or she was strong. They had the belief in themselves. They had the strength of the winds. They did not fear the challenge that they were faced with. The best attitude they could muster to do so was to go head-on, ride the storm, and let the wind take the wheel.

Think about it. When was the last time you went through any of those scenarios? It wasn't the best situation that you've had to face, and you were riding the storm.

So, what do you do if you are the person that rides the storm and has the attitude of a winner and you want to learn how to ride a storm, then you need to learn to ride a storm and ride it until you get your way? The answer is simple - you need to believe in yourself, you need to believe in the power of your inner resources, and then you need to change your attitude to an attitude of courage and to begin to harness the energy of that strength and begin to ride the storm. It can happen to anyone.

The strength of the winds doesn't just start at the front of your face. It is inside you, and you need to find out how to harness that energy.

When you are facing a challenge, your attitude should be "I am going to ride that storm until I get the outcome that I want." This will bring you great peace of mind. This is where it all comes together. If you believe in the strength of the winds and you are willing to face and win whatever challenge that comes, then you can ride out a storm and win.

In other words, you can't just believe that you are in control of a storm; you need to change your attitude to one of courage. and change your beliefs to one of strength and you need to become the hero that you were meant to be.

What a good question to ask yourself now; "What is my goal in life? How am I going to become the hero that I was meant to be?"

Your answer, "I am the hero that I was meant to be," means that you can ride out a storm and win. And then you can start making your life what you've always dreamed of.

Don't Blow Me A Kiss Before I See My Wife Art - A planksip Guttural Pun

The planksip Writers' Cooperative is proud to sponsor an exciting article rewriting competition where you can win over $750,000 in prize money.

Figures of Speech Collection Personified

Our editorial instructions for your contest submission are simple: incorporate the quotes and imagery from the above article into your submission.
What emerges is entirely up to you!

Winners receive $500 per winning entry multiplied by the article's featured quotes. Our largest prize is $8,000 for rewriting the following article;

“I see!” said Homer
A deluded entry into Homer starkly contrasts the battles and hero-worship that united our Western sensibilities and the only psychology that we no? Negation is what I often refer to as differentiation within and through the individual’s drive to individuate.

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